
This is probably not up to date, since I can't stop moving, adding and removing pages.

/index - Landing page. Warnings and webrings.

/home - Homepage. Links, widgets and updates.

/library - My articles/writings.

Skip to /diary

/diary - How my days are going.

/J - :)

/music - Musics I like.

/media2024 - Media I have consumed in 2024.

/romanization - Romanized lyrics.

Skip to /creations

/creations - Stuff that I have made.

Skip to /characters
Skip to /writing
Skip to /lists
/pictures - Photography.
/mygraphics - Only digital stamps so far.
/digital - Digital art.
/Zone - OC's and their universe.



/characters - Characters from the Zone.

Skip to /writing

/writing - Stories from the Zone.

Skip to /lists

/shrines - Stuff I love enough to make unique layouts for.

/sources - Codes and tools I use.

/outgoing - Links to other websites.

/bootleglinktree - My links. Find me elsewhere.