SideLink Ads is an ad system for personal websites! No commercial ads and no cost to join. The code is stolen from Dimden's NavLink. It changes ads every 30 seconds.
→ What websites are currently in the system? ←
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! The image must be 150x450. You can resize the iframe on your website (if the versions provided below are not satisfactory) as long as the aspect ratio is the same, but the original ad must be 150x450 for it to look good in smaller sizes. Refrain from making the widget bigger than 150x450.
! Preferrably don't include words like "ad" "promo" and "advert" in the image or the image name. Adblock systems could block the widget.
! Your site should not be empty or barebones. At least two or three pages, or one very filled page. In general there should be something worth advertising.
! If your site contains topics commonly considered sensitive, it should have warnings about these topics, either on the landing page, or on idnividual links. This is common small-web manners.