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Do you know things?

Because I sure don't!

Welcome to the page on my website where I ask questions into the void of the interwebs, and wait for some kind soul to help me. I am shit at finding stuff out and if I find the right site, the thing I want to know is always explained in terms I have never heard before or otherwise overly complicated.

Either send me some links to tools or easy-to-understand articles, or explain to me yourself.

If you choose to explain it yourself, be prepared for it to turn into longer e-mail conversations, even possibly moved to some sort of quick message app/website, since I can be slow in the head.

Please take a look below, see if you have the answers I seek and shoot me an e-mail at!

How does Spetsnaz and similar Russian military work?

I need this knowledge for my worldbuilding project. It mostly concerns the naming convetions of specified groups.

Is there specific code-names for units that specialise in different things? Would there, for example, be a name to refer to the military that operate in the Exclusion Zone, tasked with stopping smuggling and scouting for information to the government?

The wikipedia page for spetsnaz does not make it easy for someone who doesn't know military language. Or English for that matter. Please help!

Japanese text in GIFs?

Do you have knowledge of the Japanses language, and feel like translating some basic (probably) sentences? Or do you know of a really good image to text translator webtool?

I have about a billion GIFs with Japanese text in them, and it would be fun to know what they say! It would be nice to catgorise them according to what mood they are supposed to convey, or know if there are any inappropriate messages. The graphics are in the shrine "Gyaru Graphics" if you are interested!

If you translate them personally: Either mail me a numbered list of all the translations corresponing to the right graphic, or do something else as long as I understand which graphic says what.