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Here I sort all the characters I use and build in this world. They are vaguely sorted by importance in the story.

Timeline spreadsheet

Info about categories on character profiles

FIO, or ФИО, is an acronym for "Фамилия, Имя, Отчество", meaning "Last name, Name, Patronymic". It is in this order that your name is written on official documents in most Slavic countries, and I use this for presenting my character's full names.

A patronymic is a name based on the name of one's father. In Slavic languages and cultures you get the name of your father combined with the suffix "-ovich/-evich" if you are male, and "-ovna/-evna" if you are female.

Similarly, last names also have masculine and feminine versions, but it is just a simple "-a" added to the end to make it feminine.

The years are based around when the Zone first arrived, this being year 0. Negative dates are from before the Zone arrived.

The Characters

My characters are very replaceable and not well made. They are horrible for worldbuilding and stoory writing. There are too many. Who cares.

I don't know how I should categorise them to make it easier on the eyes, sorry. BUT, they are in order of how early in the timeline they entered the Zone.

Kirill Kaluzha
Shorena Kaluzha
Edvin «Nol'» Hallikas
Vadim «Zabyl»
Jakau «Pauchok» Prokopenko
Paavo «Zarja»
Iosif Shimonis
Yurij «Kisel» Skripchenko
Artjom «Kamchatka» Kozlovsky
Rustam Umarov
Viktor «Berjoz» Morozov
Stanislav «Vjuga» Kaluzha
Valeri «Zaika» Koroljuk
Tihon «Pushek»
Private Piotrowsky Jarek «Varshava»
Zvezdelin «Zatochka» Kovachev
Rodion «Gluhoj»
Igor «Golubok» Sukhov
Aleksandr «Oskal» Marin
Anatolij «Tochil'chik» Isajev
Jevgenij «Koshka/Nezhit»
Pavel «Zajats» Trejger
Nikolaj «Kolja»
Flavia «Cheburashka» Marina

Volodomyr «Nogot'» Stasjuk
Dmitri «Dimka»
Hranimir Kovachev
Maksym «Svinets»