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Stanislav «Vjuga» Kaluzha


FIO: Клаужа Станислав Кириллович (Kaluzha Stanislav Kirillovich)
Nickname: «Вьюга» ("Vjuga", meaning "Snowstorm" or "Blizzard")
Born: June, Year 14 → The Zone, Russia


Appearance: Tall, towers over most people. Lean build with wide shoulders. Rough face, has always looked older than he is. Pale, slightly green-tinted skin and hair. Cloudy white eyes with an almost invisible pupil.
Personality: Very open and kind. Believes that a good first impression matters and that everyone is born kind. Diciplined. Can easily be naive, but not entirely stupid. Held back.
Dialogue: Quick, short sentences. Adds extra information to clarify everything.
Quirks: xxx

Summary of Life

Born to Kirill and Shorena Kaluzha after many previous failed attempts. He lived out his early childhood in the Zone, learning about all it's wonders and dangers. He found interest in the many packs of stray dogs roaming the Zone, and spent days stalking and studying their movements.

Shorena was an attentive and protective mother. She did her best to stop Stanislav from running around in the dangerous forests and fields, but he always found some way to bend the rules to come closer to the nature around him.

His father Kirill wanted Stanislav to follow his steps as a researcher in the Zone, and although he saw Stanislav's mapping of the packs as scientifically useless, he encouraged Stanislav to practice the scientific method.

When he turned six (Year 20) his parents started to argue about him going to school. Shorena was for and Kirill against. Shorena argued it wasn't healthy for a child to not be educated and never meet anyone his own age, such a bright kid deserves a real life, away from anomalies and criminals.

Kirill countered that Stanislav was getting all the education he needed to survive in the Zone, and that he wouldn't need anything else, reasoning that Stanislav's mutations would make it impossible for him to get any friends or jobs outside of the Zone.

However, Shorena and Kirill's relationship became more and more strained over the years until Shorena moved to a cheap apartment in Voronevka. The topic of his school career was brought up again, in a new light. Shorena living in the city made it too easy to go to school to deny it from Stanislav anymore.

At 11 years old (Year 25) Stanislav was enrolled in school in Voronevka 5 years late. This decreased visits to his dad and the Zone to only weekends, since coming to town from the Zone every day was risky and time consuming. Kirill was still against his son going to school, reminding Stanislav every Sunday night before he left, to stay out of trouble. In school he made only few shallow friendships and longed for the Zone.

At 17 years old (Year 31) he moved back to the Zone full time, and became a full-fledged stalker.


Adjectives: otherworldly, alien, white, pale, icy, tall, broad, ethereal, mutated, strange, kind, giddy, bubbly, crooked

Viktor Venting
Golubok and Vjuga
Stanislav & Maksim
The Farm Massacre: the Farm
The Farm Massacre: the Market
The Farm Massacre: the Mercs


I drew him when I had a phase of being ""ok"" at drawing humans. You get the vision. (Ignore his infinty shoulders...)