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Golubok and Vjuga


Igor tried his best to breathe through his nose as the man that had never told him his name grabbed Igor's long hair and forced his member deeper down Igor’s throat. His gag reflex was long gone but his need for oxygen sadly had not disappeared. The dry dirt and pine needles beneath his knees somehow pricked him in through his though jeans.

The man groaned with pleasure as he slowly thrusted into Igor’s mouth. Igor strained his eyes and glanced up towards his customer. The man’s head was leaned back against the tree behind him, his chest moved with his quick breaths.

He was probably pretending Igor was a girl, like they all do. Or maybe he liked that Igor was a man, but didn't want to admit it to himself. Either way, none of Igor's customers ever looked at him more than a quick glance. He didn't mind it too much. This was not about romance, just money for pleasure.


Igor's customer quickly pushed him away from his dick and Igor felt a light crack in his neck. The man turned away to zip up his pants and hissed at him over his shoulder.

"Get the fuck up of the ground...!" Igor tried to stand up as quickly as he could, but he was too drunk and tumbled down on his ass instead. Better than on his knees, at least.

“Lapa, is that you up there?”, said the man slowly walking up the slope.

"Yeah, what is it?!" the man, appearantly named Lapa, answered and turned to his approaching friend. As he came up to them, Igor immediately took note of the newcomer’s appearance.

He towered over them both and had wide, muscular shoulders. His hair was strangely white, matching his equally pale skin. But, the thing that grabbed Igor’s attention for the longest, was his milky white eyes. All together, the man’s mutated features gave him an otherworldly beauty, like a ghost or some sort of elf.

Even though Igor was overcome by an instinctual uneasiness at the newcomer’s presence, he couldn’t keep himself from drinking down the man’s every feature. This guy was probably the luckiest mutant in the Zone…

“There you are!” said the strange man, “The others are looking for you.” His giddy tone was a great contrast to his appearance. Maybe this guy wouldn’t mean any problems.

Lapa nodded lazily and carefully started stepping down the slope towards the bar. At this, Igor came to his senses and realised he was losing money.

“Hey, asshole, you still owe me the rest!” he protested.

“Fuck off, faggot!” Lapa hurled as he stumbled down towards the bar. Igor scoffed. That's rich coming from one of his regulars.

Lapa’s friend remained in his spot, rubbing his neck and looking back towards the stumbling man. Then he looked down at Igor with his dim white eyes.

“What does he owe you?” he asked with a crooked smile. His teeth seemed to be all wrong too, sharp and deadly. Igor spat on the ground beside him before he answered. He didn’t want to swallow whatever was left in his mouth.

2750 rubles,” he answered.

“Oh, I’ll take that for him. He’s not earning any money right now, only spending it.” The mutated man searched his jacket’s inner pocket and pulled out a brown leather wallet.

“He’s been a bit down lately. Drinking to forget and all that.” He reached down with a bunch of bills. “Go easy on him.” Igor paused. What was going on? Who just gives away money like that? Was this guy tricking him in some way?

He squinted at his payment, before quickly grabbing the bills. Whatever, money is money. The mutated man kept his hand out and introduced himself.

“Vjuga, I’m from the Farm.” He smiled as kindly as he could. “Nice to meet you. Do you need help up?”

Igor stared at Vjuga's hand, then at his face, then back at his hand. Did he not know who he was? This small interaction could ruin this guy's reputation forever.

"I'm Golubok." he said, waiting for it to sink in. "Have you not heard of me?" Vjuga blinked.

"I have heard your name," he said. "Not with nice words. But, I don't care about that. People already talk about me the same." He nodded towards his open hand. Igor couldn't believe his ears.

"Are YOU a homosexual?!" he laughed. Vjuga blinked and squinted at the word.

"No, I don't think so," he answered, seemingly confused as to what it even meant.

Characters mentioned:

Igor «Golubok»
Stanislav «Vjuga»
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