Back (Zone)

Writing (not good)

These are the stories I have written about my characters and the Zone. The texts and writing is by no means good or consistent, and are all constant WIPs. Writing is my way to play around with my characters, like a child with their dolls. Nothing is serious, set in stone or "canon".

Russian words

Throughout the writing, there will be italicized, romanized Russian words. These I have kept in the text for a number of reasons, like it being untranslatable, crucial to the story (like the nicknames) or the English equivalent sounding wrong.

The English translation or a fitting equivalent of the word will be displayed when hovered over, like this: durak

I also put apostrophes for the correct pronounciation on the first instance of reocurring Russian words, most often these are names and nicknames. This is because I often forget how to pronounce Russian, and it is a good way to remind myself.

The Writings

Displayed in a rough cronological order. All stories have "canon" year they take place in, but I am doing a lot of reconstructing, so these are likely to change.

I also make effort to write about the Zone in past tense only. It reinforces the feeling of the writings being tales told around a campfire with comrades after a long day of artifact hunting. Or maybe a retired stalker warning their just-old-enough grandchild about the dumb and dangerous path he took in his life.

Forgot Zero
Looming Winter
And Found
Golubok and Vjuga (sex)
Broken tension
Burning rooftop
Metal Whirlwind
The Farm Massacre: the Farm
The Farm Massacre: the Market
The Farm Massacre: the Mercs