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Igor had, after some gentle struggling, managed to get one of the chairs in the west bedroom out on the flat roof. He sat in it, calmly rolling a spliff on top of the magazine in his lap, humming to the song that stuck in his head when he passed through the bar. The summer night's lukewarm winds swept through his shoulder length hair as he let out a pleased sigh. This is what life is about.


The sudden sound startled him and he turned around in the direction of the voice. A few meters behind him stood a young man with a dark buzzcut. His thin body hidden under a big gray hoodie and his face with a big smile stretched over it. Igor looked further back towards the window where there were two other men of the same age, staring at them with badly disguised excitement.

“What do you want?” Igor asked monotonously.

“Uhh, well..”, the guy threw an embarrassed look back at his friends in the window. Of course. This guy had been dared to go talk to the fag.

“Can-uhh. Can I have a hit?” he gestured towards Igor's unlit spliff.

“No, this is the only stuff I have left. Sorry.”

“Okay,” the guy answered plainly. In a normal conversation, this would have even the que for the guy to leave and try to steal someone else’s weed, but, naturally, he kept standing there. Igor was used to these things and calmly stared back at the young man as he squirmed while thinking of whatever embarrassing thing he had been dared to say.

“Uhh, so, you’re like…gay, right?” he said while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

“Wow, really, who told you that?” Igor asked as sarcastically as possible. The fact that Igor was homosexual, was as obvious as a bird being able to fly.

The guy didn’t know what to answer. He looked back at his friends again. Igor sighed. He just wanted to have one night to himself, without anyone bothering him… He decided to get it over with and give them what they wanted. No point in hiding a secret everybody knows.

“What are you nervous for? You’re not my type, and I am not the kind to force myself onto guys to begin with." He paused and forced a devious smile. "...unless you're into that."

Characters mentioned:

Name «Nickname»
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