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[Edvin and Vadim separately entered the Zone]

“Hey, blondie!” someone called out behind him. He turned his head back towards the door. The short guy he met at the border [?] was sticking his head out of the doorway and waved at him to come inside. Edvin sighed out the smoke.

He dropped the cigarette on the ground and kicked the tiny embers to put it out.

“Ok, man, listen for a second now.” The short man stopped him on the steps leading up to the door. “The guys in there have a mission for me and my bros, but we need another man." He shifted his weight and leaned a bit closer.

"Now, I saw you over at the border, and you're pretty fucking good at killing mutants. We need someone with your skills to cover our backs. How do you feel about joining us? My name's Vadim.”

Edvin tried comprehending what the man named Vadim had suggested with furrowed eyebrows. Was this some sort of trick? Vadim's eyes darted around as if to tell him he had to decide quicker. Reluctantly he stretched out his hand and introduced himself.

"Edvin." The strange man squinted at the unusual name for a second, before he grabbed Edvin's outstretched arm and pulled him into the office.

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