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Viktor venting

[CONTAINS: horribleness. This fucking sucks, in all aspects. It is a script (I guess??) that is outdated and badly written. Looking back now, this is not at all how Viktor and Stanislav act or how their relationship works. You are better off not reading it. I could rewrite it better, but it is not a priority.]

Stanislav leaning against the concrete wall of an abandoned building with Viktor resting his head in his lap.

Why won’t you come live with me instead then?

With you hippies? Never!

They both laugh

But seriously, why? Wouldn’t it be easier?

I need to make money for my own. I- oh fuck I never told you…

Told me what?

He sighs and sits up.

I- I'm so sorry I never told you, please don't get mad at me.

I won't, I promise. Tell me

I have- I have a family…,back in Voronevka.

Oh. You mean like…


You don't have to forgive me, and we can stop doing..whatever this is if you want..

Stanislav is quietly staring at the moon.



Uncomfortable silence

You should have told me.

Yeah I know, I'm so sorry..

No, it’s fine.

I actually assumed it. Everyone that works in the market has families to feed. I'm used to it.

Small laugh

This sounds really sad, but I’m used to being someone’s secret. That's just how it goes.

Still.. I'm sorry for not telling you.

You need to stop apologizing all the time. But yes, you are forgiven.


I'm glad you dont it mind too much.

Still, I don't want you to feel betrayed or lied to..

Hah, absolutely not! Vitjusha, I couldn't care less about what you do in the Big Land. As I said before, every man here has a wife or girlfriend, even the ones that I meet up with. Business is business. What happens in the zone, stays in the zone!


Actually, I have never asked. How many guys have you…met up with?

Why d’you want to know? Jealous or something?

They laugh

Noo, just want to know how many are lying to their wives!

Hahah, well.. I think at least five or six separate guys have had the balls to talk to me about it, but there are definitely more. I assure you, that all the mercenaries are at least a little bit gay.

Pfft, what?

I mean, come on, have you seen them? All secretive and stuff? What else could they even be doing in those bunkers?

Fuck, you’re on to something... Maybe I need to become a mercenary! For research purposes, of course!

They laugh


About that family, can I ask, do you have any children?

Yeah, a son. He’s such a wonderful little thing. He looks just like I did when I was his age.

Lucky kid, you seem like you’re the best dad in the world.

Viktor takes a deep breath and smiles

No, you’re more fit to be honest.

He laughs

I mean, I hope I’m a good dad. Maybe when I’m not in the zone…

Mmm…yeah, that gets in the way.

Wow, the moon is really pretty tonight.



Do you…love her?

No, absolutely not. She’s an alcoholic bitch who only sits around on the couch all day. She’s the worst. She hits our Kolja too, I need to get him out of there. If I could leave her I would, but I’m definitely not financially stable enough for that.

Oh, …damn, sorry to hear that. Difficult situation.


That’s truly what is keeping me from giving up the money stalking and starting living at the farm. I need to make money so I can grab him and get out of here. Away from her. God damn it.

Viktor slumps his head down into his hands.

Stanislav pats him on the back.

I respect that.

You are working your ass off in this dangerous hell pit to save your son! I don’t understand how you could think you’re not a good father!


Thank you…

Either way this Nikolaj sounds like a wonderful kid. I would love to meet him some day!


He truly is the thing I value most in the world.

When did you last visit?

Maybe, a month ago? It’s- God it's very complicated.

He sighs

She… is… absolutely furious that I don’t visit often enough. But every time I get home she’s drunk again and just screams and hits me. She's never happy. I don't get affected anymore but Kolja cant take it.. He hides, terrified. I don’t know what to do.

And she-

He sighs and rubs his eyes.

He seems to be holding back tears.


Viktor sniffles behind his hand.

Hey, Vitjusha…

Stanislav puts his arm around Viktors shoulders, pulling him closer.

She tells him…

How I’m such a good-for-nothing father that’s never home…

And I try! I really try to come home often, there is nothing I want more! But then she gets mad that I don’t have any money for her!

Viktor is crying now.

She just spends it on alcohol. Gets drunk and makes him scared of me. Once- Once he told me that he doesn't like when I come home! He doesn't even look me in the fucking eyes anymore! She makes him hate me, Slava!

Stanislav pulls him into a quiet hug.

Viktor cries into his shoulder.


He hates me, Slava

No, no, no, he doesn’t hate you.

…I'm a terrible father…

Shh, no, you’re not.

They stay like that for a while.

He kisses Viktor on the top of his head.

She’s making him think what she thinks, it’s not your fault.

I know that, but either way, he’s so young! He won’t remember anything good about me. He’ll just remember fights and Lara’s punches. I can’t win… I-

He gets cut off by his sobs

I’m stuck… I can’t get out of this fucking zone. It’s an endless loop of fucking…SHIT!

He slams his hand into the concrete wall, almost hitting Stanislav in the face.

His arm flops down and he continues crying.

After a while Stanislav says,

Vitjusha, you are doing everything you can. Don’t beat yourself up. As I said, you are working so hard for your son. Is that what a terrible father does? No.

Viktor sniffles and looks up, still leaning on Stanislavs shoulder.

I’m sorry…

No, don’t apologize! You haven't done anything wrong!

Viktor takes a big breath in and out and sits up again.

See, you’re doing good!

Ah, fucking, god damn it…

He rubs his face then shakes his head, making a blubbery sound.

Viktors walkie-talkie buzzes.

Berjos, this is Nol, do you hear me?

He sniffles quickly and takes the walkie-talkie.

Uh yes, this is Berjos.

Viktor still sounds a bit shaky.

…you good?

Uh yeah, I’m fine.

You’re still with Udilshik?

…ye- yeah.

Alright, there’s a flock of dogs going by between you guys and the base. We are trying to chase ‘em away but keep an eye out.

How do you know where we are?

You’re at the ruins below Gusha.


As I said, keep an eye out. Over and out.

Wait, don’t tell anyon-

I won’t tell anybody. Over and out.

A click and then silence

They both look at each other for a second, then they laugh quietly.


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Name «Nickname»
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