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Captain Volkonogov Escaped
La Haine
Dead Man’s Bluff
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
Before the Fall
Zero Day
Fight Club
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Eastern Promises
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List of Movies I Interpret as Homoerotic

because I have been blessed/cursed with Gay X-ray vision™

Movies where the (mostly agressively masculine) male characters are not confirmed to be gay for each other, but are definitely probably at least a little gay for each other.

Movies that make you wonder if the director knew what they were doing, or if they actually are fucking blind to the extreme sexual tension they have created.

Movies where anything but gay sex is a metaphor for gay sex.

The list goes from least to most total homoeroticism, each review states the amount of homo shit and the guessed intention of the creator.

Also, due to my personal tastes (autism), many entries are obscure Russian movies and may not have subtitled versions widely available. Sorry.

(This list is a mirror of the one I have on my Letterboxd)

Bimmer (2003)


A bunch of best bros stealing a car, hell yeah! I am planning on rewatching to see if this even is homoerotic, so let that inform you that there was not enough gay shit for me to remember it.

Amount: i forgor
Intenional: No

Captain Volkonogov Escaped (2021)

Капитан Волконогов бежал

This movie has a few homoerotic scenes, notably in the intro, but the main reason it's on this list is that it fueled my interest in, and attraction to, skinhead fashion. Either way, you don't really have time to think about homo stuff while watching this, because the plot and cinematography is amazing.

Amount: Some?
Intentional: No

La Haine (2003)

I don't know if there's actually any gay stuff in here, or if I am just heavily projecting my own disgusting fantasies onto Vinz... You should definitely watch it, even if there's no homo stuff. It's genuinely one of the best movies ever made.

Amount: Some.
Intenional: Mostly not, but sometimes I'm not so sure...

Deathgasm (2015)

Amount: Not any surprising amount, this is just how metalheads are.
Intentional: I think yes, a little bit

Dead Man’s Bluff (2005)


I might be putting on my rainbow tin foil hat for this one, but I think it's pretty fucking gay to put your arm around your best friend right after he likens getting shot for the first time to losing his virginity...

Amount: I think there should be more of it.
Intentional: Not at fucking all.

Pusher (1996)

No amount of bragging about having sex with women can make me forget that one scene in the nightclub bar.

Amount: One potent moment, the rest of the movie is too stressful to think about gay shit.
Intentional: Yes?? I guess?? I dont know???

The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed (1979)

Место встречи изменить нельзя

Did all cops in the USSR put their high calf leather boots between the legs of interrogated criminals as a way to intimidate them, or is that just a Gleb Zheglov thing? Either way, it's pretty hot. Also Sharapov being absolutely destroyed after Zheglov didn't think his acting was good enough gives dramatic theatre kid vibes.

Amount: A surprising amount
Intentional: No

Evil (2003)



Amount: A little bit.
Intentional: No (?)

Before the Fall (2004)

Napola - Elite für den Führer

Boarding schools for only one gender can only end up horrible or homoerotic. This one is both!

Amount: Enough to make you cry at the end.
Intentional: I truly don't know.

Zero Day (2002)

OBSERVE: I don't mean to make light of the Columbine Massacre by putting this movie here. Zero Day is a good and meaningful movie, with and without its inspiration in mind.

Amount: Some
Intentional: Probably a little bit. (Edit: I have been reminded that the director cut a scene of them kissing to keep the homoeroticism more subtle, so it was actually extremely intentional)

Fan (1989)


Karate fighter and his artistic boyfriend with a gay ass moustache. A lot of men touching each other and speaking with low, husky voices. Also I have not found this with subtitles anywhere.

Amount: A few incredibly potent moments.
Intentional: No, somehow.

Fight Club (1999)

The most interpreted movie ever.

Amount: However much you want there to be.
Intentional: Who the fuck knows!

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)

This movie is so fucking campy, I can't NOT put it here. I do think Napoleon and Ilya both are gay in some way, but actually not for each other. They barely like each other more than reluctant collegues, and also I really like the canon romantic relationship and I think they are wonderful together.

Amount: If you are gay, you will have a field day. If you don't, you will probably still wonder why they are like...that.
Intentional: It has to be, no question.

Rope (1948)

1940s murderers who stand veeeeeery close to each other.

Amount: Your Honor, they are fruity as hell
Intentional: Maybe, you never know when it comes to gay villains...

Eastern Promises (2007)

The most amount of on screen homoerotic tension I have ever seen. (you might even argue that this movie goes against the requirements of this list because it is so mothrefucking goddamn gay, BUT! they never actually establish that either Kirill or Nikolai is in love with one another, it is just EXTREMELY heavily implied)

Amount: As close as you can get to a gay romance movie without being categorised as a gay romance movie.
Intentional: A big, fat YES! It is even important to the plot!