
This is my site. What you are doing is very intimate. This is the digital and more organised version of my existence. This is my soul, my heart, my memory. I ask of you to tread carefully, and if you find something you like, good!

This is the only warning you will get: There will be mentions and discussions of topics commonly considered as sensitive, such as sex, drugs and violence. I trust you to gauge your own abilities.

Also, everything is constantly being added and changed. Flexibility is a companion of life. Stiffness is thus a companion of death.

So, remember to press ctrl + shift + R, if you have not visited in a while!


Webrings, Listings and other fun stuffs

( hopefully!)

Retronaut Webring

no ai webring previous random next a long dark bar with a background of blurry Python code, with the text AI? AIN'T INTERESTED! / THE NO AI WEBRING over it. In the top right corner is a button labeled RANDOM and to either side of the bar are rectangles labeled PREV and NEXT