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Making your own space

Many people dream of creating their "own space" on the internet. A place where you can let yourself run loose, either finding likeminded people or doing it just for yourself.

I am one of these people, and so I have created dogspit, hosted on Nekoweb. My personal experience so far has been fantastic, but everyone fits in different spaces, and Nekoweb might not be for you.

So, this is my collection of journal, blogging and hosting services made by people, for people. Do you want to make your own space on the internet? Are you tired of your current space? Want to branch out with mirrors, or create AN ENTIRELY NEW ONE? Feel free to browse!

Website hosting

Nekoweb - My personal choice, made by Dimden.
Neocities - The classic for people in the web revival movement.
GitHub - I can never understand how GitHub works, but I think you can make websites using it.
Lexi's Hosting - Cute and humble website host, made by Lexi.
Straw.Page - Low-to-No effort website builder. Great for those not interested in coding. - A bunch of webpages hosted on one computer.
Glitch - It allows you 1000 hours of editing per month unless you pay, but very cute and beginner friendly.


SpaceHey - Myspace revival. Maybe more of a social media than a journal... - Some sort of MySpace inspired blogging thing. Weird in the good way.
Dreamwidth - Based off of Livejournal. - Journal for intelligent, angry and old-internet edgy people.
InsaneJournal - Generally anti-cencorship.


Bear Blog - Bear necessities web blogging platform.
Smol Pub - Tiny blogging service. - A collage based blogging service (?), apparently praised by "famous" web revival people!

Other - A non-linear personal web notebook.
listography - Make and share lists, need to have gmail though. (If you choose this, make sure to stop by!) - Haven't checked this out yet, seems interesting.