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E-Mail is Good actually

I really like e-mail. There is, in my opinion, nothing wrong with it. Not to sound like one of those ass-lickers, but I really don't like that us younger generations (younger millenials, gen z and eventually gen alpha) seem to find them annoying. There are so many positives with e-mails and I suggest we start to use them outside of just work and school environments.

E-mail is truly the perfect combination of the slow composing of regular paper letters and the acsessability and security of the internet. It allows you to take time and really think through the best wording to get your point across.

You can also lightly customize an e-mail with fun GIFs and colored text. But it is still in the digital world, where you don't run out of materials or money, and you can be 99% sure it arrives safely and instantly.

I also find it really comfortable that there is not an expectation to answer immediatly, like with Messenger, Whatsapp, Snapchat and the billion other things with SMS features. The fact that I have a personal website in the current year should say enough about what I think about social media...

On top of all that, signing up for an e-mail adress is in most, if not all, cases completely free. Everybody has an e-mail adress, which means everybody can e-mail each other! No need for exclusive apps or chatrooms!

This is why I tell you to SEND ME E-MAIL on the home page. I want to talk to people who have the same interests as me, but in a way where I do not get overwhelmed and nervous of what to write next. Where I get time to think about every aspect of what I want to say.

I really like sitting down and answering e-mail as a part of my routine. I feel much healthier when I treat being online as something special, like it was when you had a computer room. You go in the computer room to do computer stuff. It becomes an event.

If you talk to me through e-mail, I value the interaction much more. I don't know why! Maybe because it feels more real than a DM on Tumblr, Instagram or Discord. It is plain and direct.

To summarise; I think the internet should be slower and e-mails are the perfect speed!
