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Age, Sex and Law (This is a WIP, just a collection of thoughts so far)

There is this problem I keep running into with my age and my sexuality here on the interwebs. I am 16 years of age, turning 17 in July. In Sweden, you become allowed to have sex at 15, but before you say anything about Sweden being a country run by pedophiles:

15-17 year-olds obvioulsy can not have sex with 18+ adults, because we have morals. Only with others that are in that short window of time where you are both allowed to have sex and under 18. We are all reasonable, moral people here today.

But since I have been raised with 15 as the age of consent, I think the American law, that the general internet also has adopted, is a bit...ehh? I feel like connecting sex with adulthood so closely can cause some problems.

It can make teenagers who experience completely normal sexual thoughts feel like something is wrong with them, I certainly felt like there was something corrupted within me when I first felt anything like that at 14, and I was raised with a pretty sex positive stance.

In general, the second you make something illeagal, it becomes unsafe. This is of course mostly good, it should be unsafe for you to hurt and destroy for no good reason.

I am not suggesting that the age of consent should be as low as when you first start to experience erotic feelings, that would not be ethical. I actually specifically have no opinon on the law segment, higher or lower. But, to state that whenever teenagers are portrayed as having sexual or erotic feelings in media or similar things, it must mean that the creator be a pedophile? Not reasonable.