
This is my site. What you are doing is very intimate. This is the digital and more organised version of my existence. This is my soul, my heart, my memory. I ask of you to tread carefully, and if you find something you like, enjoy it!

There will be mentions and discussions of topics commonly considered as sensitive, such as sex, drugs and violence. I do not believe in DNIs, I trust you to gauge your own abilities and to not click a link you know you won't enjoy.

Acessability: I have tried to keep the site keyboard user and screen reader friendly, with skip links, link indexes and such. Uniform colorscheme and no intentional flashing lights.

Phones: Only pages with long text are responsive. You will generally have a better time in landscape mode.

JS: A few decorative Javascript features, the main enjoyable contents on the site is completely accessible with JS disabled.

Also, everything is constantly being added and changed. Flexibility is a companion of life. Stiffness is thus a companion of death.

So, remember to press ctrl + shift + R, if you have not visited in a while!


Webrings, Listings and other fun stuffs

Created: 3/28/2024
Updated: 3/11/2025
Visits: 45739
Followers on Nekoweb: 64

dogperson - Borzoi and Bull Terrier

Sunday Sites

Smooth Sailing (Moonshot listings application sent)

Bookworm Clique

Borzoi fanlisting Saluki fanlisting Transpotting fanlisting Leo (starsign) fanlisting

Retronaut Webring

no ai webring previous random next a long dark bar with a background of blurry Python code, with the text AI? AIN'T INTERESTED! / THE NO AI WEBRING over it. In the top right corner is a button labeled RANDOM and to either side of the bar are rectangles labeled PREV and NEXT

rand prev next

<-   bonki webring!   ->